J'De Garden Khend, Chiplun- 415605, Maharashtra

Hair Transplant

A) What is an hair transplant treatment?

Hair transplant is a sophisticated hair restoration procedure offered at skin care clinics to address hair loss and thinning. This minimally invasive treatment involves plucking hair follicles from areas of dense growth, typically the back or sides of the head and transplanting them to areas with thinning or no hair. The methods applied for this process aim to create a natural looking hairline and increase hair density in affected areas. A dermatologist or plastic surgeon performs the hair transplant procedure using local anesthesia. Hair transplants at skin care clinics offer a permanent solution for many individuals struggling with hair loss, providing them with renewed confidence and a more youthful appearance.

B) What to expect during consultation ?

The dermatologist will examine the scalp of the particular individual. Information related to the medical history will be gathered including any current medications taken by the person. Additionally, details about any family members experiencing a similar issue will also be taken. How long the concerned has been dealing with hair loss involving any treatments taken earlier. Our pertinent doctor will discuss your lifestyle, and we will inquire about your surgery expectations. We will explain the entire surgical process in a simple way, comprising of different stages,say for example for severe baldness, it may require 2 sessions, but typically lasts 6 hours. Instructions for pre and post-operative care will also be given.

C) Actual treatment process at a Springs Clinic

Before the surgery, one may be required to undergo certain blood tests and medical evaluations to ensure fitness for the siad procedure. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on pre-care measures to follow leading up to the surgery. On the day of the surgery, local anesthesia will be administered to numb the scalp area where the hair follicles will be extracted and transplanted. This keeps you comfortable during the entire procedure. The most common method of hair follicle extraction is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

In FUE, individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) using a specialized tool. In FUT, a strip of the scalp with hair follicles is harvested and then separated into individual grafts.

Once the hair follicles are extracted, the surgeon will create tiny incisions in the recipient area of the scalp where the hair will be transplanted. The extracted hair follicles are then carefully implanted into these incisions at the correct angle and density to achieve natural looking results.

D) Post operative instructions for hair transplant

Here are the post-hair transplant treatment instructions

  • Follow your doctor's prescribed medication schedule to prevent infection, reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Use a gentle shampoo as instructed by your doctor when washing your hair and be gentle to avoid dislodging new follicles.
  • Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting and exposure to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
  • Sleep with your head elevated on pillows for the first few nights to reduce swelling and promote blood circulation.
  • Avoid scratching or rubbing your scalp to prevent dislodging hair follicles.
  • Follow a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein and stay hydrated to support healing and hair growth.
  • Attend all scheduled follow up appointments with your doctor to monitor progress and receive further guidance.
  • Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol during the initial recovery period to promote healing and hair growth.
  • Consult your doctor before using any hair care products, styling tools or chemicals on your transplanted hair.
  • Be patient and follow all post-operative care instructions to ensure optimal healing and hair growth.