J'De Garden Khend, Chiplun- 415605, Maharashtra

Vitiligo Surgery

A) What is a Vitiligo Surgery ?

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that results in patches of lost pigmentation. While there is no cure for vitiligo, there are various treatments available to help manage the condition. One treatment option is vitiligo surgery which involves transplanting melanocytes from healthy skin to the affected areas.

There are several types of vitiligo surgeries including

  • Punch grafting: Small pieces of skin containing melanocytes are removed from healthy skin and transplanted to the affected areas.
  • Suction blister grafting: Blisters are created on healthy skin using suction and the roof of the blister containing melanocytes is transplanted to the affected areas. Blister can be explained as a swelling or a pimple or hives.
  • Split-thickness skin grafting: A thin layer of skin containing melanocytes is removed from healthy skin and transplanted to the affected areas.
  • Micro-pigmentation: This involves implanting pigment into the affected areas to match the surrounding skin.

While vitiligo surgery can be effective in restoring pigmentation to the skin, it is not suitable for everyone. The success of the procedure depends on factors such as the location and extent of the vitiligo, the age of the person,overall health and the skill of the surgeon. Risks associated with vitiligo surgery include infection, scarring and poor cosmetic results.

Derma Roller
Derma Roller
Derma Roller

B) What to expect during consultation for vitiligo surgery?

During this consultation, the skin care expert will review medical history including any previous surgeries or medical conditions that may affect the procedure. They will examine the affected areas of your skin to assess the extent and severity of the vitiligo. The skin therapist will explain the risks and benefits of the opeartion including potential complications and the likelihood of success.

If an operation is scheduled, you will receive pre-operative instructions on how to prepare, including which medications to avoid and what to expect on the day of surgery.Additionally, the skin specialist will explain what to expect during the recovery period and provide instructions on post-operative care for the affected areas.

C)Treatment process at Springs Clinic

The actual treatment process for vitiligo surgery may vary depending on the type of surgery being performed and the extent of the vitiligo. Below is a summary of the procedure carried out with respect to vitiligo surgery

  • Anesthesia: Depending on the type of surgery, local anesthesia is applied to numb the area being treated or general anesthesia to put you to sleep during the procedure.
  • Harvesting of melanocytes: If punch grafting or suction blister grafting is being performed, melanocytes will be harvested, usually from an area of healthy skin that is hidden from view.
  • Preparation of the grafts: The harvested melanocytes will be prepared for transplantation by the dermatologist, typically by dividing them into small pieces that can be transplanted onto the affected areas of skin.
  • Graft placement: The prepared grafts will be transplanted onto the affected areas of skin using a variety of techniques such as punch grafting, suction blister grafting or split thickness skin grafting.
  • Micro pigmentation: In some cases, micro pigmentation may be used by the skin doctor at Springs Clinic ,to help blend the transplanted melanocytes with the surrounding skin and improve the cosmetic results of the surgery.
  • Post-operative care: After the surgery, instructions will be given by the skin care expert ,on how to care for the affected areas of skin as they heal. This may include keeping the area clean and dry, applying topical medications or dressings and avoiding sun exposure.
D) Post treatment care for Vitilogo Surgeries

Post-treatment care guidelines for Vitiligo Surgery

  • Keep affected areas clean and dry.
  • Avoid sun exposure and wear protective clothing or sunscreen.
  • Attend follow-up appointments and follow additional instructions from your healthcare provider.
  • Be patient and follow post-treatment care instructions.
  • Report any concerns to your healthcare provider.